Collaboration is not additive, it is multiplicative.
This sounds sort of math-geeky, but it’s actually some pretty simple logic – and it provides a very nice scheme for thinking about how a group is more than the sum of the individual members' knowledge. This is the magic of collaboration, when the fusion of our knowledge produces something more.
Here's how it works. Aside from his/her computational and creative skills, each person in the team brings two things to the party.
E is the explicit knowledge of a person, expressed in his/her artifacts.
T is the tacit knowledge of a person, expressed in his/her intuition.
To keep things relatively simple, let’s focus on a team of two people, a and b, each of whom carries both types of knowledge discussed above.
a = (Ea + Ta) b = (Eb + Tb)
When they work together on a problem, sharing both elements of knowledge with each other, some powerful idea cross-products emerge – activating Tacit knowledge in lots of places:
(Ea + Ta) x (Eb + Tb) = EaEb + EaTb + EbTa + TaTb
The first term EaEb is combining artifact-based knowledge. Left brain + left brain.
The middle terms EaTb and EbTa are the intersection of one person’s intuition with another person’s artifacts. Left brain + right brain.
The final term TaTb is the collision of multiple vectors of tacit/intuitive power — it’s the magic that happens when we are both at the whiteboard together. Right brain + right brain.
One caveat: as discussed in the sidebar above, “activating the Tacit” requires a degree of interactivity, experimentation, adaptation, sampling, etc. that is technologically difficult to deliver in an appealing user experience.
Based upon the framework above, here’s a representative list of capabilities your collaboration platform must provide if it is to start the innovation reactor:
Sharing (EaEb, the first term)
- Upload, share, link, embed any artifact, data, widget or feed from any source
- Multi-dimensional organizing and associating with tags, keywords
- User-defined relationships and links between artifacts
- Integrated search engine for all formal and informal knowledge
- Mesh trust model for fine-grain sharing
Extending (EaTb and EbTa, the middle terms)
- Rich, evolutionary user profiles including endorsements and expertise
- Emergent group/room/discussion formation and feedback solicitation
- Conversations (email, IM, voice, vidcon) associated with artifacts & vice versa
- Direct commenting, textual annotation, and margin drawing by colleagues
- Interactive sampling, remixing, derivation from all shared artifact types
- System recommendations based upon content, tags, and user behavior
Creating (TaTb, the final term)
- Private communication channels and pre-publication experimentation spaces
- Ability for users to synthesize data from any source easily, impulsively
- Simultaneously co-created digital whiteboards, spreadsheets, documents, charts, presentations, Gantts, etc.